The courses barcode features gives you the capability to print membership cards for your customers. For example Silver, Gold, Platinum based on their spendings. This will leverage for you the flexibility of creating a business club and connect with your customers in a nice elegant way having a personal touch as well. You can easily track how many sessions from a course a customer has left by checking their account.
There's even a faster that we can access the client's courses. If you business has access to a scanner, then we can simply scan the unique course barcode number for each customer where we will be able to see exactly how many sessions they have left.With a membership card, a customer can simply bring it at the reception by scanning it and no other question, you will be able to have access to the custoerm's profile, to the customer's loyalty points, to the client's account balance and you will also be able to track how many sessions they have left.
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“Clinic Software®.com is a fully-comprehensive SaaS (Software as a Service) in cloud based created to help companies and appointment-based businesses of any industry and size such as Clinics, Spas and Salons with tools that helps to Grow Sales, Save Time & Get Organized.”